Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Photos

Busy, busy....

We've had a full few days here in Nicaragua. On Friday last, we went to the rural setting of Las Yucas/Las Latas-Lajas where all six communities had gathered to celebrate the International Day of the Woman. This is a very important day in Latin America where there's a strong thrust to transform the macho culture.

I have some good photos that I'll figure out how to send soon! They had it all decorated with banners from each area, crepe paper on the poles holding up the tarp to save us from the sun. The music was going full force and when we arrived it was decided that it was time for the "refrigerio" (mid-morning snack) which consisted of the many dozens of sandwiches which we had prepared before leaving Managua and pop. Prizes were awarded for the winners of the painting project, family garden project and outstanding woman of the area. Speeches were made. Folkloric dances were performed and stories told. There were about 100 people present including fellows and children. It was a great time and after delivering pick-up truck loads of people to some of the neighboring communities, we headed home.

We've also been celebrating 25 years of our local center - Centro Cultural Batahola Norte - which was founded by a CSJ and a Dominican priest. The choral group did an outstanding concert with the National Orchestra in Granada on Friday night, there's been a painting exhibition running since the 1st. of the month, last night there was an incredibly wonderful theater presentation which honored the founders and tonight there's a Mass of Thanksgiving which will culminate the celebration. There have been visitors here for several days who are the "Friends of Batahola" and it's been good being with them and speaking English!!

Next week I will participate in a 4 day course on Gender Issues (women/men and equality).

Your sister,
